Hygienic evaluation of air and soil pollution with mercury in the area of location of a coke plant

Dmitriev, M.T.; Ermachenko, A.B.; Shramko, G.M.; Nikolaĭchuk, A.I.

Gigiena i Sanitariia 12: 15-17


ISSN/ISBN: 0016-9900
PMID: 2093022
Document Number: 353430
It has been established that processes of coal carbonization are accompanied by intensive mercury discharge into the air and soil. The maximum levels of ambient air contamination by mercury are determined 0.5 km away from the source--0.0016 mg/m3, 3 km away from the source--lower than 0.00024 mg/m3. Technogenic area of mercury is almost twice the territory of the plant, and it is stretched along the prevalent direction of the winds. Mercury concentrations at different distances away from the plant were 2.76 mg/kg (0.5 km), 1.97 mg/kg and 0.26 mg/kg. Simultaneous isolation of mercury from coals in the process of coal carbonization is recommended.

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