Cerebral complications of purulent meningitis in children assessed by transfontanellar ultrasonography in Yaounde (Cameroon)
Gonsu-Fotsin, J.; Kago, I.; Dzogang, M.T.; Kamga, H.G.; Camara, M.
Annales de Radiologie 33(3): 195-199
ISSN/ISBN: 0003-4185 PMID: 2275522 Document Number: 350300
Sixty-one children, aged 0 to 12 months, all having meningitis confirmed by bacteriological and biochemical studies of CSF, were subjected to transfontanellar US exploration and clinical follow-up. Thirty-three (54.1%) children were normal, and 28 (45.9%) presented cerebral complications: hydrocephalus 20 cases (71.4%), ventriculitis 5 cases (17.9%), abscess and ventriculitis 2 cases (7.1%) and cerebral atrophy 1 case (3.6%). 36.1% of patients with purulent or turbid CSF presented with complications. 24.6% of complications were due to unidentified bacteria and 11.4% due to pneumococcus group. 90.9% patients with coma, and 76.4% with convulsion showed cerebral complications. The authors recommend routine us exploration of children with confirmed meningitis in tropical milieu.