Papain phonophoresis in the treatment of suppurative wounds and inflammatory processes

Matinian, L.A.; Nagapetian, K.O.; Amirian, S.S.; Mkrtchian, S.R.; Mirzoian, V.S.; Voskanian, R.M.

Khirurgiia 9: 74-76


ISSN/ISBN: 0023-1207
PMID: 2273855
Document Number: 348984
The authors studied the effect of papain and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) phonophoresis on the course of purulent wounds and inflammatory processes in patients. It is shown that the use of 1% papain solution together with DMSO by means of phonophoresis is a very effective and promising method for the treatment of purulent wounds and inflammatory infiltrates. The terms of restoration of the structure of the injured tissues are reduced by 1.8 times on the average.

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