Social and psychological factors affecting fertility. 1. Differential fertility among 41,498 native-white couples in Indianapolis
Whelpton, P.K.; Kjseb, C.V.
Milbank Mem. Fund Quarterly. 21: 221-280
Document Number: 348675
This is a preliminary survey of native born white couples in Indianapolis, excluding those where husband or wife had been married more than once, or where the wife was over 44. Fertility, as measured by number of children and standard-ised for age, was 18 per cent, greater among Catholics than Protestants and 25 per cent. less among Jews. It decreased with higher educational status of husband or wife and with greater rental value of the home, except for a slight .increase in the highest rental category. The number of chil-dren was inadequate to ensure a stationary popula-tion, when unmarried, widowed and divorced women were taken into account.