Cryosurgery of precancerous conditions of the oral cavity and pharynx
Moszyński, B.; Kolanowski, R.; Miszka, K.
Otolaryngologia Polska 44(4): 233-235
ISSN/ISBN: 0030-6657 PMID: 2234964 Document Number: 347740
In ENT Clinic, II Faculty of Medical Academy in Warszawa 108 patients with precancerous lesions were treated by cryosurgery during the years 1975-84. In 43 patients the lesions were in oral and in pharyngeal cavities, 33 out of 43 have had before the cryosurgery some form of therapy, conservative or radical without lasting effects. In all treated cryosurgically patients the positive results were obtained, which were consecutively verified during 3 to 9 years of observations. There were no malignant transformations, no other complications. The authors found, that the cryosurgery is a promising method of therapy in precancerous lesions.