Retrograde ejaculation following a Y-V plasty of the bladder neck carried out during childhood. Treatment using the Abrahams procedure

Bruezière, J.; Geraud, M.

Annales d'Urologie 23(3): 255-256


ISSN/ISBN: 0003-4401
PMID: 2742355
Document Number: 345011
Retrograde ejaculation of Y-V plasty of the bladder neck performed during childhood appears to be a rare complication. Based on a case treated with success, the authors stress the need for non-aggressive treatment of bladder neck disease in children (endoscopic radial incisions). The procedure proposed by J.J. Abrahams for the treatment of retrograde ejaculation (simple calibration of the bladder neck and posterior urethra) proves to be reliable, although recurrences may occur.

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