Assessment of dental care delivery to institutionalised aged in Singapore
Soh, G.; Teo, C.S.
Annals of the Academy of Medicine Singapore 18(5): 519-522
ISSN/ISBN: 0304-4602 PMID: 2619243 Document Number: 344877
Evaluating dental care of institutionalized aged presents numerous problems largely associated with communication and cooperation. This study used administrators' assessment to evaluate cost, accessibility, availability, quality, and efficiency of existing arrangements for dental care. In-house dental care had been rated favourably in all aspects although administrators were less satisfied with it. Generally, public dental facilities received 'favourable' ratings for cost, accessibility, and availability, and self-arranged care the least 'favourable'. Administrators encountered the greatest amount of difficulty when assessing quality and efficiency. Administrators' assessment seemed to be consistent with, and reflective of, the strengths and weaknesses of the various arrangements for dental care.