Modeling the dynamics of a system of metropolitan areas: a demoeconomic approach

Gordon, P.; Ledent, J.

Environment and Planning a 12(2): 125-133


ISSN/ISBN: 0308-518X
PMID: 12337432
DOI: 10.1068/a120125
Document Number: 344817
This paper proposes a complete dynamic model of a system of metropolitan areas interacting through economic and demographic links, namely trade and migration respectively. It not only considers interregional effects (through an interregional input–output submodel) but also intraregional effects (through a set of Garin–Lowry submodels). In addition it allows the simultaneous determination of migration rates, labor-force-participation rates, and unemployment rates. Suggestive of the demoeconomic approach, this model also reveals the methodological difficulties that such an approach implies.

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