A comparative study of morbidity with temporary disability and hygienic assessment of working conditions of workers engaged in major occupations at the Dneproshina tire-manufacturing plant

Sladkov, M.I.; Dashkevich, S.I.

Gigiena Truda i Professional'nye Zabolevaniya (9): 22-25


ISSN/ISBN: 0016-9919
PMID: 2612944
Document Number: 344679
Comparative study (1979-81, 1965-67) of temporary disability showed its upward trend in tire vulcanizers by 20%. This fact was associated with unfavourable working conditions, workers' stability and aging, elevated physical work load. In the disease structure there occurred some changes: the share of osteomuscular diseases showed a rise and that of nervous and digestive diseases declined. All the studied professional groups (assemblers, millers, vulcanizers) experienced a rise in osteomuscular morbidity and only vulcanizers had higher rates of respiratory, skin and subcutaneous diseases.

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