Demographic and economic aspects of the Italian second generation within migration movement
Favero, L.; Rosoli, G.
Studi Emigrazione International Journal of Migration Studies 23(81): 91-116
ISSN/ISBN: 0039-2936 PMID: 12314286 Document Number: 344278
"The essay attempts to estimate the size and the characteristics of expatriating and repatriating young people (aged 0-20) in relation to the Italian demographic structure and recent migration movement. Two working definitions are used, 'internal second generation' and 'second generation abroad', usually originating from the same inland regions." Government statistical sources and local level resident registries are analyzed. Tables present information concerning the numbers of expatriates and repatriates for the country as a whole for the years 1946-1984 and net migration figures for regions within Italy for the decade 1961-1971. The authors calculate the percentages of expatriates and repatriates during the years 1958-1984 who were aged 14 and under and 65 and over and "the migratory mobility of youth categories is analysed. In the areas of high intra and out-migration flows, considerable differences in migration rates and natural growth rate are noticed. In some areas a systematic ageing of the population, a decrease in the labour force and a high dependency index are found." Potential socioeconomic and demographic consequences of the impact of migration on the dependency burden in Italy are considered. (summary in FRE)