Long-term results following aorto-femoral Y bypass. Doppler ultrasound pressure measurement, real-time ultrasound, CT and i.v. DSA
Pirschel, J.; Seboldt, H.
Helvetica Chirurgica Acta 56(4): 609-613
ISSN/ISBN: 0018-0181 PMID: 2698870 Document Number: 340571
Five to seven years after aortoiliac prosthetic reconstruction 29 patients were examined by sonography (Doppler and real-time), CT and intravenous DSA. Doppler-sonography showed findings due to occlusion, stenosis and severe arteriosclerotic changing. By DSA these changing could be shown and exactly localised. CT demonstrated marginal thrombosis of the bypass lumen, aneurysms and fine paravascular fibrosis. So Doppler-sonography and DSA both bring functional and morphological, real-time sonography and CT morphological informations. The methods are complementary.