Marriage rate and fertility in cycloid psychosis: comparison with affective disorder, schizophrenia and the general population
Jönsson, S.A.
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 241(2): 119-125
ISSN/ISBN: 0940-1334 PMID: 1834183 DOI: 10.1007/bf02191155Document Number: 340488
A cohort of patients with cycloid psychosis (n = 34) admitted to hospital for the first time in 1925 was compared with affective patients (n = 30) and schizophrenic patients (n = 81) admitted at the same time as well as with the general population in the catchment area. The marriage rate in cycloid probands was in accordance with that of the general population at index admission. Five years later it was significantly lower than expected, but after 10 years the marriage rate was statistically in accordance with expected figures. Fertility was significantly higher than in schizophrenic probands (P < 0.001). Fertility in cycloid women was in accordance with expected figures based on the mean fertility of birth cohorts of women. It was, however, significantly lower than expected, both in affective women (P < 0.05) and in schizophrenic women (P < 0.0001). Prepsychotic fertility (before the index episode) did not significantly diverge from expected figures in cycloid women. It was, however, significantly lower both in affectively ill (P < 0.05) and schizophrenic women (P < 0.001). Postpsychotic fertility in cycloid women was in accordance with expected figures. In affective women it also approximated normality, but in schizophrenic women it was significantly lower than expected. Marital fertility was within the expected interval in cycloid probands. The observations are in support of the opinion that neither prepsychotic nor postpsychotic conditions constitute an unsurmountable obstacle to normal social adaptation in cycloid patients. The differences are also interpreted as an argument in favour of nosological autonomy of the category of cycloid psychosis.