Proposal for Council Directive amending Directives 72/159/EEC, 72/160/EEC and 72/161/EEC in relation to agricultural structures. Proposal for Council Regulation (EEC) on suspension of aids for investments in the field of dairy production. Proposal for Council Decision amending Decision 76/402/EEC on the level of the interest rate subsidy provided for by Directive 72/159/EEC on the modernisation of farms, to be applied by Italy. Proposal for Council Decision amending Decision 82/438/EEC auth


COM Document, Commission of the European Communities (COM(83) 746 final): 12


Document Number: 340065
These are proposals for a series of interim measures while long term proposals for improving the efficiency of EC structural policy are under discussion in 1983/84. To avoid any break in agricultural structures policy, it is considered essential that the Council should decide to extend the application of Directives 72/159/EEC, 72/160/EEC, 72/161/EEC and 75/268/EEC for a period of six months after December 1983. Given the situation on the financial markets in the Member States and the importance of this for the implementation of the agricultural structures policy, the increase in the level of interest rate subsidy provided for in Directive 72/159/EEC, fixed by Council Decisions 82/437/EC and 82/438/EEC of 24 June 1982, as well as by Decision 81/598/EEC of 27 July 1981, for Italy, Greece and Ireland should also be extended for the 12 months from 31 December 1983. In view of the structural surpluses of milk products in the Community the Commission is proposing to suspend temporarily the granting of any aid, whether national or Community, for investments in this sector with the exception of those granted in certain difficult regions.

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