Breastmilk yield and infant nutrition in relation to early infant growth in Njoro, Kenya
Kigutha, H.N.; Waiyaki, L.N.; Karani, E.I.; Nassiuma, D.K.
East African Medical Journal 66(11): 707-714
ISSN/ISBN: 0012-835X PMID: 2606012 Document Number: 339281
Breastmilk yields during the first 6 months of lactation were measured in 27 mothers from small-scale cooperative farms and 35 mothers from squatter villages in 2 commercial farms and 1 forest village. On average, mothers from small-scale farms produced 440g milk per 24 hours and the village mothers 510g per 24 hours. Mean birth weight and length for the whole group were all within 90% of the Harvard Standard. However between the 10th and 18th week when milk yield was high, mean child weight was parallel to the Harvard standard but then declined to 90% t 26 weeks. Male infants were heavier and longer at birth than female infants. Seasonal variations were not significant. However, this may have been affected by the failure of the long rains in 1984 which caused food shortages in that year and the following year. (Author's).