Position statement of the Hospital Association of New York State on the Report of the New York State Advisory Committee on Physician Recredentialing

New York State Journal of Medicine 89(4): 223-225


ISSN/ISBN: 0028-7628
PMID: 2733877
Document Number: 336358
While agreeing that the periodic evaluation of physicians is in the public interest, HANYS believes that the January 1988 Report contains numerous legal and practical problems, contradictions, and invalid assumptions that all call for a re-evaluation of this particular approach. As written, the proposal raises serious concerns regarding the conduct of peer review activities. Further, it may jeopardize the concerted efforts hospitals and their medical staffs are making to improve quality through peer review. Without a more in-depth, thorough, and thoughtful review of these issues, the implementation of this Report's recommendations would not be in the best interests of the people of New York who are served by its physicians and hospitals.

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