Investigations on mothers and Paris 1947. The infant mortality and stillborn rate in France during the second trimester of 1948. Rate of stillbirths and infant mortality in France during 1948 third quarter. Rate of stillbirths and infant mortality in France during 1948 fourth quarter. Rate of stillbirths and infant mortality in France during the year 1948

Alison, F.; E.A.

Bulletin Inst Nation Hygiene paris 4-4-4(2-3-4): 193-211, 336-357, 475-501


Document Number: 333644
Infant mortality dropped significantly to 45 per 1000 in most regions of France during the 3d quarter of 1948, due primarily to reduction in deaths from gastro-enteritis of infants over one month old. The rate rose to 50 per 1000 in the 4th quarter, but was lower than that for the 4th quarters of 1946 and 1947 (56 and 57 per 1000 respectively). Figures are given for rate of stillbirths, infant mortality during 1st mo. of life for France and for each Departement. Mortality for age 1-12 mos. decreased from 40 per 1000 in 1947 to 30 per 1000 in 1948, while that for age 0-1 mo. dropped only by 16% and rate of stillbirths only 8% from 1947 to 1948.

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