Negative symptoms and schizophrenia. a concise review of clinical and pharmacotherapeutic data

Den Boer, J.A.; Westenberg, H.G.; Verhoeven, W.M.

L'Encephale 15(2): 273-282


ISSN/ISBN: 0013-7006
PMID: 2666103
Document Number: 333442
A historical review is given of the origins of the concepts of negative symptoms. An outline is given of the conceptual difficulties inherent to the negative syndrome, especially influences related to post psychotic depressed patients, neuroleptic treatment and institutionalization are critically reviewed. Subsequently pathophysiological and etiological theories of negative symptoms are reviewed and discussed. The last part of this article contains a discussion of therapeutical strategies in the treatment of negative symptoms. Firstly dopamine agonist strategies are discussed, secondly the role of neuropeptides (vasopressin and TRH) in the treatment of negative symptoms is discussed and a putative therapeutic role for these peptides is suggested.

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