Postoperative monitoring following short duration surgery of the ear, nose and throat. Experiences with midazolam as an anesthesia induction agent
Castor, G.; Steigerwald, F.; Altmayer, P.; Molter, G.
Hno 37(9): 389-393
ISSN/ISBN: 0017-6192 PMID: 2808015 Document Number: 333036
A combination of midazolam and alfentanil was used on 24 patients for induction of general anaesthesia. Anaesthesia was maintained with N2O/O2 and repeated injections of alfentanil. The mean operation time was 40.8 min. At the end of surgery the patients recovered 4.8 min after antagonisation of the alfentanil with naloxon, and the endotracheal tube could be removed. Thirty, 60 and 120 min after extubation the patients were asked to perform a Marschner's test, which measures the ability to concentrate on fast intellectual work. Up to 660 simple arithmetical additions could be checked within 7.5 min. The intellectual performance recovered quickly: after 30 min 79% of the pre-operative values were reached, after 60 min 85% and after 120 min 90%. Midazolam is suitable as an induction agent for shortlasting otorhinolaryngological surgery.