Atmospheric pollution in Vigo. from 1977 to 1986
Alvarez Seoane, G.; Cuquejo Taboada, E.
Revista de Sanidad e Higiene Publica 63(3-4): 79-97
ISSN/ISBN: 0034-8899 PMID: 2635792 Document Number: 330813
This study examines the levels of SULPHUR DIOXIDE, SUSPENDED PARTICLES (FUMES) and SETTLING MATTER in the atmosphere of the city of Vigo for a period of ten years, evaluating with reference to current statutory regulations. For this purpose 7 SF-type sensors and 10 devices for collecting SETTLING MATTER were placed at suitable points about the city. SULPHUR DIOXIDE and SETTLING MATTER levels were found to be within the limits considered acceptable under Spanish law, while SUSPENDED PARTICLES (FUMES) exceeded these limits at some points of the city, although never to the degree defined as FIRST-DEGREE EMERGENCY. There is a clearly detectable SEASONAL VARIATION, with higher concentrations of fumes occurring in autumn and winter, as one might expect. Attention is also drawn to the influence of the prevailing winds in each season and of the location of the old town, sited in the lee of the Castro hill.