Parasitic infestation in Cape Town children. A random study of 101 patients
Millar, A.J.; Bass, D.H.; van der Merwe, P.
South African Medical Journal 76(5): 197-198
ISSN/ISBN: 0256-9574 PMID: 2772766 Document Number: 326960
Over a 12-month period, random stool specimens were collected from 101 children admitted to the trauma unit of the Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa. The majority of the children were resident on the Cape Flats or in Mitchell's Plain. Parasites were detected in 46 of the children. Ascaris lumbricoides was found in 8 patients, Trichuris trichiura in 11 and both Ascaris and Trichuris in 20. Giardia lamblia cysts were identified in 8 patients and Enterobius vermicularis was found in one patient.