Contraceptive practice and fertility in Thailand: results of the Third Contraceptive Prevalence Survey

Chamratrithirong, A.; Kamnuansilpa, P.; Knodel, J.

Studies in Family Planning 17(6 Part 1): 278-287


ISSN/ISBN: 0039-3665
PMID: 3798491
Document Number: 326124
The 3rd Contraceptive Prevalence Survey (CPS-3) in Thailand was conducted in 1984, sampling 7,576 ever-married women aged 15-49. It was based on a weighted sample scheme, interviewing approximately equal numbers in each of the 4 major regions and in Bangkok, including the same 24 provinces as in the previous CPS-2, and a supplementary population of southern Moslems. Results indicate a continuation of the rapid rise in contraceptive use among married couples that has been taking place over the past 15 years. Prevalence among currently married women has continued to increase from 53% in 1978 to 65% in 1984; approaching rates common in developed countries. Female sterilization is the most common method (23.5% of all married women) although a range of other methods is also seen (pill, 19.8%, injectables, 7.6%; IUD, 4.9%, male steralization, 4.4%; condom, 1.8%; and other, 2.6%). Low levels of unmet need for contraception for either limiting family size or spacing children now exist. National total fertility rates had fallen since the previous survey (from 3.68 in 1981 to 3.36 in 1984), but to a lesser extent than would be expected from the increased contraceptive use. Family size preferences are concentrated in small family sizes, slightly higher for rural women and women with 4 years' education, but with group averages ranging from 2.3 (urban women currently married 5 years with 4 years' education) to 3.4 (all currently married rural women educated 4 years). A comparison between the Buddhist majority and Moslem minority reveals that contraceptive use is lower and fertility levels and preferences higher among Moslems than among Buddhists. Contraception practice by region, racial/language group, work status; % having undesired pregnancies by rural and urban residency; source of supply (government or private); and method are also examined.

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