A study of the change in conductivity of the neuronal membrane caused by a generator potential using a method of computer modeling
Liberman, E.A.; Mamikonova, T.A.; Minina, S.V.
Biofizika 33(6): 996-1000
ISSN/ISBN: 0006-3029 PMID: 2470415 Document Number: 316896
Injection of cAMP induces in snail neurons generator potential, which is related to an increase of sodium and decrease of potassium permeability of the neuron outer membrane. A model is proposed which takes into account cAMP diffusion inside the neuron from the injection place and interaction of these molecules with the intercellular system controlling permeability of the outer membrane. Resulting impulse generation induces calcium ions current through the outer membrane. The model also considers calcium diffusion toward cAMP and its effect on the rate of the enzyme work destroying cAMP. Agreement between the calculations of ionic current I(t) and the experiment permits determination of the model parameters and calculation of the observed change of time distribution of nerve impulses when calcium input is significant.