A survey of sterilization acceptors in a family planning program in rural Bangladesh
Bhatia, S.; Osteria, T.; Chakraborty, J.; Faruque, A.S.
International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics the Official Organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 17(3): 268-273
ISSN/ISBN: 0020-7292 PMID: 42584 DOI: 10.1002/j.1879-3479.1979.tb00165.xDocument Number: 314305
275 Bangladeshi women who were sterilized at a rural family planning clinic were surveyed. 1 interview was conducted immediately prior to the sterilization procedure and the 2nd interview was conducted 1 month after the sterilization. Sociodemographic data were gathered for the survey from the patients' clinic records. The clinic records showed that 1 in 4 clients was younger than age 30 and 1 in 10 was older than age 40. 1/3 of the acceptors had children under 12 months and 27% had children 1-2 years old. The average number of living children was almost 5 but more than 1/3 had fewer than 4 children. 55.1% of the acceptors had used some form of contraception prior to the acceptance of sterilization. Prior to the sterilization, 81.4% of the women turned to their female relatives, usually sisters-in-law, to discuss the procedure. The major single concern, cited by 49.5% of the women in discussion of the method, was the operation's impact on the physical activities of the woman. The response and attitude of the sisters-in-law and other female relatives with whom the operation was discussed was positive in 86.5% of cases. Results of the 1st interview with the clients suggested a pattern leading to acceptance of sterilization. After the sterilization, 81.5% of the clients reported that they were able to conduct their usual household work immediately after returning home. 78.9% of the women did not experience any side effects; 11.3% had vague complaints and 2.2% had induration or inflammation at the surgical incision site. The mean time of resumption of regular sexual relations was 27 days after sterilization.