Idiopathic form of late hemorrhagic disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin K. A presentation of 3 cases
Lozano, M.J.; García Fuentes, M.; Alvarez Granda, L.; Alonso, J.; Figols, J.; Bureo, E.
Anales Espanoles de Pediatria 29(3): 231-234
ISSN/ISBN: 0302-4342 PMID: 3195871 Document Number: 312328
Three one month old infants with idiopathic late haemorrhagic disease due to vitamin K deficiency are reported. Patients had been exclusively breast fed and had not received vitamin K at birth. Initial symptomatology was typical in the three cases. Two of them had an intracranial haemorrhage with exitus in one of them. Coagulation study showed non measurable levels of PT and PTT and a significant reduction in vitamin K dependent factors. Coagulopathy was corrected with parenteral administration of vitamin K and fresh plasma. Pathogenic factors of this entity are reviewed and present day recommendations to prevent occurrence of this problem are discussed.