Heparin and fibrinolysis--comparison of subcutaneous administration of unfractionated and low molecular weight heparin

Eriksson, E.; Wollter, I.M.; Christenson, B.; Stigendal, L.; Risberg, B.

Thrombosis and Haemostasis 59(2): 284-288


ISSN/ISBN: 0340-6245
PMID: 2838926
Document Number: 312137
The effects on the fibrinolytic system after a single s.c. bolus injection (at 9 a.m.) of either 5000 IU conventional heparin or 5000 anti-Xa U of a fractionated low molecular weight heparin (Fragmin, KabiVitrum, Sweden) were investigated in 9 healthy volunteers. The effects were compared to those of an injection of normal saline in 6 volunteers. Samples for biochemical analyses were taken regularily during 6 hours after drug or placebo administration. In the coagulation system the following parameters were measured: Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), anti-Xa activity, thrombin time and fibrinogen. The fibrinolytic system was monitored by analysing: plasminogen, alpha 2-antiplasmin, fibrin(ogen) degradation products (FDP), euglobulin clot lysis time (ECLT), tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) activity, t-PA antigen and plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI) activity. Injection of the 2 drugs was followed by elevations in APTT and anti-Xa activity, and were more pronounced for Fragmin than heparin. The fibrinolytic system exhibited a diurnal variation with decreasing PAI activity and increasing t-PA activity during the day. Volunteers receiving normal saline (placebo) showed a similar pattern. The results were unrelated to heparin. It is concluded from this study that neither heparin nor Fragmin had any significant effect on the fibrinolytic parameters when measured after a single s.c. bolus injection since the observed variations were within the diurnal range.

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