Consumption coagulopathy and low-dose heparin in the surgical repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm: a study of fifteen cases

Solinas, S.; Mazzucconi, M.G.; Chistolini, A.; Ippoliti, A.; Flaishman, I.; De Santis, F.; Lauri, D.; Fiorani, P.

Italian Journal of Surgical Sciences 18(2): 171-174


ISSN/ISBN: 0392-3525
PMID: 3225179
Document Number: 310726
Surgical repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is frequently associated with DIC. 15 patients affected by AAA were studied to evaluate the risk of consumption coagulopathy and the efficacy of daily low-dose calcium heparin prophylaxis. The coagulation parameters investigated showed a postoperative decrease of AT III activity levels and platelet count the other laboratory tests did not show any significant modifications. Low dose heparin was effective in preventing coagulation activity or thrombotic episodes. No thromboembolic complications were observed, except nonfatal myocardial infarction.

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