Medical psychology in the teaching and practice of psychology, medicine and dentistry in East Germany
Szewczyk, H.
Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie 37(8): 289-291
ISSN/ISBN: 0937-2032 PMID: 3659233 Document Number: 304974
The development of clinical psychology to medical psychology in the GDR is described with emphasis on the training of students of medicine, stomatology, nursing the and psychology. Medical psychology is centered around the medical activities of the physician including problems of ethics, sociology, the science of neuroses, etc. The contents of lectures and textbooks on medical psychology are outlined. So far it has not been possible to gear the lectures to the study of medicine on a uniform basis, but the advanced training programmes for introducing physicians into specialist disciplines with the aim to make them into specialists, do include medical psychology in several instances.