Sex behavior of women seeking hormonal contraception and women seeking induced abortion

Kulovaný, E.; Weiss, P.; Zvĕrina, J.

Ceska Gynekologie 61(1): 27-31


ISSN/ISBN: 1210-7832
PMID: 8624591
Document Number: 299389
Using an anonymous questionnaire, the authors assessed the sexual and contraceptive behaviour of 130 applicants for induced abortions and 330 applicants for hormonal contraception. Between the two groups these main differences were found: applicants for abortion used less frequently effective contraception and used more frequently unreliable contraceptive methods. This difference was obvious during the first intercourse as well as during later life. The use of contraception in this group is more limited also as compared with the nationwide average. In the case-history of applicants for abortion previous abortions were more frequent, as well as prostitute behaviour and the prevalence of venereal diseases. As regards heterosexual behaviour the applicants for abortion and applicants for hormonal contraception did not differ substantially. According to the authors the differences between the examined groups depend more on personality traits than sexuological characteristics.

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