Solitary thyroid nodule: radionuclide study at Songkhlanagarind Hospital
Sukthomya, V.; Sukthomya, C.
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand 70(3): 132-135
ISSN/ISBN: 0125-2208 PMID: 3039033 Document Number: 297974
99mTc-pertechnetate rectilinear scan of the thyroid were performed in 272 patients judged to have solitary thyroid nodule by palpation. Eighty per cent of these were shown to show decrease uptake in single thyroid nodule. Further analyses were made among 82 patients who were operated for these nodules. Again, 90 per cent of these showed scintigraphic, appearance of a decrease in uptake. Among these 82, histological evidences of carcinoma (follicular, papillary or mixed) were seen in 31 cases (37.8%) in another 31 cases were follicular adenoma while 3 were autoimmune thyroiditis and 8 were simple cysts. We conclude the hypofunctioning solitary module without clinical evidence of malignancy need not always be cancerous but the incidence I recognised is high enough to warrant surgery in all patient with palpable single nodule and reduce nodular uptake.