Fathers of children born to adolescent mothers and their interactive behavior

Lehmann, E.; Bergmann, S.; Klein, A.M.; von Klitzing, K.

Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie 60(5): 369-385


ISSN/ISBN: 0032-7034
PMID: 21751533
DOI: 10.13109/prkk.2011.60.5.369
Document Number: 296555
Adolescent mothers and their children received much scientific attention in the past. Some studies also looked at characteristics of the interaction between mother and child. However, little is known about the interaction between children of adolescent mothers and their fathers, as research to date has focussed on paternal psychosocial aspects. The present study examines 19 partners of adolescent mothers in the interaction with their four-months-old infants. Results indicate that fathers of this sample--despite a sufficiently large intuitive repertoire--mainly relate to their infants with tactile stimulation and behaviours that facilitate eye contact. Most fathers succeed in adjusting their behaviour to their child's state. Fathers who are able to adjust their behaviour to their child's state show a larger repertoire of intuitive capacity. The infant's readiness to interact is associated with successful paternal adjustment. We discuss implications for involving fathers in the clinical work with children of adolescent mothers.

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