Retroperitoneal neurilemmoma (anatomo-pathologic and clinical considerations)

Di Mauro, S.; Filippone, G.F.; Salibra, M.; De Gaetano, C.; Sferlazzas, G.; Navarra, G.

Chirurgia Italiana 39(5): 496-506


ISSN/ISBN: 0009-4773
PMID: 3319243
Document Number: 296213
After extensively reviewing the literature on primary retroperitoneal tumours, the authors present a case of retroperitoneal neurilemmoma. They stress the rareness of this disease and go on to discuss the related epidemiological, histogenetic and anatomo-pathological problems. Finally, they deal at some length with the symptoms of the disease and the diagnostic strategy they adopt, emphasizing the usefulness of CT and ultrasonic tomography in the study of the retroperitoneal region.

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