Epidemiological shift in leprosy in a rural district of central India following introduction of multi-drug therapy (April 1986 to March 1992 and April 1992 to March 2002)

Pandey, A.; Uddin, M.Jamal.; Patel, R.

Leprosy Review 76(2): 112-118


ISSN/ISBN: 0305-7518
PMID: 16038244
Document Number: 291435
This study compares the epidemiological pattern of leprosy in pre- (April 1986 to March 1992) and post- (April 1992 to March 2002) multi-drug therapy (MDT) periods by retrospective analysis of 3274 registered leprosy cases in the rural field area of Regional Leprosy Training & Research Institute (RLTRI), situated in Raipur district of Chattisgarh province of Central India. The area has high endemicity for leprosy. In the post-MDT period, prevalence rate (PR) decreased to less than 1 in 10, while new case detection rate (NCDR) remained almost static during the two periods. Of the total new registered cases, 30.1% were registered during the pre-MDT period and the remaining 69.9% during the post-MDT period. Comparison of key leprosy variables among new registered cases showed a 2-fold rise in the proportion of MB cases (14.8 versus 27.6%), 3.0% increase in proportion of child cases (15.3 versus 18.6%) and cases with deformity grade II (3.1 versus 5.9%) and 4.0% increase in female proportion (41.4 versus 45.7%) during the post-MDT period. A decline was noted in mean age of registration for both MB (6.4 years) and PB (5.7 years) groups in the post-MDT period. While comparing treatment and outcome related variables, a marked fall of 25.8 months was recorded in treatment duration in the post-MDT period. The defaulter rate decreased by 45.0% and relapse rate by more than 12.0% during the same period. The study shows that MDT is effective operationally, but continued ongoing transmission of infection and delayed diagnosis needs corrective action.

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