Hemispheric laterality and early childhood autism. a case study of the etiologic and nosologic problem of the autistic syndrome in childhood
Hermle, L.; Oepen, G.
Der Nervenarzt 58(10): 644-647
ISSN/ISBN: 0028-2804 PMID: 3683679 Document Number: 290144
Most studies on childhood autism emphasize a left hemispheric disturbance. In the presented case a primary right (and only secondary left) hemispheric dysfunction seems to be obvious. This seems to be true also for other reports in the literature. Supported by the hypermasculine aspect of our patient a pathological intrauterine testosterone level is suggested to be responsible for the observed altered cerebral asymmetry and consecutive hemispheric dysfunction. The advantage of such neuropsychologic findings and hypothesis should stimulate further studies on autism and other psychiatric disturbances.