Studies on ultrasonographic features of small hepatocellular carcinoma

Hsu, K.W.

Nihon Geka Hokan. Archiv für Japanische Chirurgie 56(5): 503-516


ISSN/ISBN: 0003-9152
PMID: 2839126
Document Number: 288025
In our clinic, 31 cases with 36 tumors of hepatocellular carcinoma smaller than 3.0 cm in diameter were detected by ultrasonography. Ultrasonography and several diagnostic procedures were evaluated for their diagnostic efficiency. Ultrasonography of hepatocellular carcinoma was analyzed and compared with macro- and microscopic findings of the resected specimens. Echogenicities of them were classified into following three patterns. Hypoechoic pattern, 21 out of 36 tumors (58.3%) isoechoic pattern, 6 out of 36 tumors (16.7%) hyperechoic pattern, 9 out of 36 tumors (25.0%). It was suggested that the echogenicity of small hepatocellular carcinoma varies with the growth of tumor from hypoechoic to isoechoic and then to hyperechoic. High echogenicity is related especially with microscopic fibrosis of the tumor. Pseudocapsule formation was found in 82% of the resected cases of small hepatocellular carcinoma. Although all of the tumors showing halo and lateral shadow on ultrasonograms had pseudocapsules on the cut surface of the resected specimens, the rate of halo and lateral shadow visualized was low in spite of high rate as 82% of pseudocapsule formation in the small hepatocellular carcinoma.

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