Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis for the end stage renal disease patients

Huang, T.P.; Lian, J.D.; Ho, L.T.

Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 85(11): 1011-1022


ISSN/ISBN: 0371-7682
PMID: 3469309
Document Number: 284989
Seventy-six patients with end stage renal disease received continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) for a total of 21070 patient-days. The average age of the patients was 45.1 .+-. 12.3 years with a range of 9-73 years. Fifty-three patients were male and 23 were female. The technique was simple and acceptable to all patients. By selecting different dialysate glucose concentrations reasonable daily amount of ultrafiltraiton could be obtained. Although protein loss through peritoneal cavity is inevitable there was no evidence of protein malnutrition. BUN (blood urea nitrogen) dropped significantly. Unexpectedly the serum creatinine remained the same after therapy. Except for slight elevation on HbA1c the other essential biochemical data were maintained within reasonable range. Serum level of potassium and phosphorus dropped but sodium, calcium and bicarbonate rose significantly after treatment. Hypercholesterolemia and hypetriglyceridemia also developed. Hypertension was controlled better and anemia improved slightly. The most striking complications were infections and catheter problems. Other complications were also presented. Most patients described an increased sense of wellbeing, increased energy and daily activities, disappearance of the symptoms experienced during hemodialysis. At the end of this study 61 patients were doing well on CAPD. Six patients were transferred to hemodialysis. Two patients died of CAPD complications, 5 from causes unrelated to this therapy. Another 2 patients died of an ill-defined etiology. From this prospective study we conclude that CAPD is a good modality of long-term therapy for our end stage renal disease patients but infection, hyperlipidemia and catheter problems constitute the three bottle necks to be broken through in the future.

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