Supervising Community health Workers in Community-Based Delivery of Primary Health/Family Planning Services: Experiences in Mexico, 1977-1982
Shedlin, M.G.; Wray, J.D.; Correu, S.
International Quarterly of Community Health Education 6(4): 309-322
ISSN/ISBN: 0272-684X PMID: 20841157 DOI: 10.2190/f094-ef1f-vd76-hmjwDocument Number: 284082
The supervision of CHWs in the Mexican Rural Health Program (1977-82) illustrates a wide range of problems and strengths because it was developed within a program based on a strong political mandate to deliver services to an extremely large, as well as culturally and geographically diverse population. This article presents an in-depth perspective on the issues involved in the supervision of community health workers with a focus on the myriad roles and responsibilities which are expected from supervisory personnel. The information and observations which are offered come from program evaluation materials as well as the long-term, first hand experience of the authors with the program discussed.