Superovulation and embryo transfer in the dairy goat

Kiessling, A.A.; Hughes, W.H.; Blankevoort, M.R.

Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 188(8): 829-832


ISSN/ISBN: 0003-1488
PMID: 3086263
Document Number: 282968
Eighteen mature, purebred (Saanen, Alpine, Nubian, La Mancha) dairy does were estrus-regulated with progesterone-impregnated vaginal pessaries. On treatment days 16 to 18, superovulation of 6 does was attempted with pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG), and of 12 does with follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Estrus was induced by progesterone withdrawal on days 18 to 20 and the does were mated to bucks of proven fertility. Embryos were recovered from oviduct flushings on the fourth day after mating. The yield of 4- to 12-cell embryos with FSH superovulation was 17(+/- 2), significantly greater (P less than 0.001) than with PMSG, which was 2(+/- 2). Thirty-six embryos from 3 FSH donor does were transferred to 14 recipients that were estrus-regulated to the donor cycles with the same progesterone pessary regimen. Eleven (78%) of the recipients became pregnant and delivered 21 (70%) kids from 40 embryos, a mean of 7(+/- 2)/donor.

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