Osteoarthritis in bipedal rats

Chen, B.X.; Liu, H.P.; Ding, J.H.; Zhao, X.H.

Chinese Medical Journal 99(1): 39-46


ISSN/ISBN: 0366-6999
PMID: 3089703
Document Number: 281372
Bipedal rats were produced by clipping their forelimbs and tails within one week of birth. By using light microscope (LM), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM), the articular cartilaginous layer of the superior circular portion of the femoral heads was examined at 3 and 6 months of age, and compared with that of the quadruped rats. In the normal controls, normal morphology of the articular cartilage and the subchondral bone was seen in most of the femoral head specimens. In the bipedal rats, proliferation of the subchondral bone, thinning of the articular surface and pseudomucinous cyst formation in the cartilaginous matrix were seen. TEM and SEM observations demonstrated changes in accord with the findings of LM. Bipedal rats are animal models suitable for the study of medical agents which might retard or reverse cartilage degeneration in osteoarthritis.

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