Engendering migrant networks: the case of Mexican migration

Curran, S.R.; Rivero-Fuentes, E.

Demography 40(2): 289-307


ISSN/ISBN: 0070-3370
PMID: 12846133
DOI: 10.1353/dem.2003.0011
Document Number: 281173
This article compares the impact of family migrant and destination-specific networks on international and internal migration. We find that migrant networks are more important for international moves than for internal moves and that female networks are more important than male networks for moves within Mexico. For moves to the United States, male migrant networks are more important for prospective male migrants than for female migrants, and female migrant networks lower the odds of male migration, but significantly increase female migration. We suggest that distinguishing the gender composition and destination content of migrant networks deepens our understanding of how cumulative causation affects patterns of Mexican migration.

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