Reconstruction with insertion of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (EPTFE) for iliac venous obstruction

Yamamoto, N.; Takaba, T.; Hori, G.; Funami, M.; Yoshizawa, T.; Nomoto, S.; Ishii, J.

Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 27(6): 697-702


ISSN/ISBN: 0021-9509
PMID: 3782273
Document Number: 277583
Surgical therapy for DVT in the legs, including reconstruction of the blood circulation system and thrombectomy with a Fogarty catheter, is not always satisfactory, as indicated by the variety of opinions both for and against them. However, it is also a fact that postphlebitic syndrome can result from incomplete treatment. Therefore, surgical approaches should by given priority in the acute stage of the disease. In 5 patients who showed either complete obstruction or insufficient removal of thrombi from the proximal region in leg DVT, we performed crossover femoro-femoral bypass using EPTFE (including two wire reinforced grafts) and were able to obtain good long-term patency over periods of 8-18 months.

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