Progress of children with severe acute malnutrition in the malnutrition treatment centre rehabilitation program: evidence from a prospective study in Jharkhand, India

Chaturvedi, A.; Patwari, A.K.; Soni, D.; Pandey, S.; Prost, A.; Gope, R.Kumar.; Sharma, J.; Tripathy, P.

Nutrition Journal 17(1): 69


ISSN/ISBN: 1475-2891
PMID: 30021572
DOI: 10.1186/s12937-018-0378-2
Document Number: 275355
In Jharkhand, Malnutrition Treatment Centres (MTCs) have been established to provide care to children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM). The study examined the effects of facility- and community based care provided as part the MTC program on children with severe acute malnutrition. A cohort of 150 children were enrolled and interviewed by trained investigators at admission, discharge, and after two months on the completion of the community-based phase of the MTC program. Trained investigators collected data on diet, morbidity, anthropometry, and utilization of health and nutrition services. We found no deaths among children attending the MTC program. Recovery was poor, and the majority of children demonstrated poor weight gain, with severe wasting and underweight reported in 52 and 83% of the children respectively at the completion of the community-based phase of the MTC program. The average weight gain in the MTC facility (3.8 ± 5.9 g/kg body weight/d) and after discharge (0.6 ± 2.1 g/kg body weight/d) was below recommended standards. 67% of the children consumed food that met less than 50% of the recommended energy and protein requirement. Children experienced high number of illness episodes after discharge: 68% children had coughs and cold, 40% had fever and 35% had diarrhoea. Multiple morbidities were common: 50% of children had two or more episodes of illness. Caregiver's exposure to MTC's health and nutrition education sessions and meetings with frontline workers did not improve feeding practices at home. The take-home ration amount distributed to children through the supplementary food program was inadequate to achieve growth benefits. Recovery of children during and after the MTC program was suboptimal. This highlights the need for additional support to strengthen MTC program so that effective care to children can be provided.

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