Radiation biology risk of imaging procedures

Pohlit, W.

Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde 134(6): 364-369


ISSN/ISBN: 0026-9298
PMID: 3748028
Document Number: 274503
The environmental radiation burden of man in Germany is about 1 mGy (Milligray) per year. This is, of course, also valid for children. Due to diagnostical procedures this burden is increased to about 1.3 mGy. The question arises wether this can be neglected, or important consequences have to be drawn. To give a clear answer, the action of ionizing radiation in living cells and in organisms is explained in detail. Many of the radiation actions at the DNA can soon be repaired by the cell, if the radiation dose was small. Some damage, however will remain irreparable for the cell and consequently leads to cell death, to mutations or to cell transformation. The number of these lesion increases or decreases linearily with radiation dose. Therefore, it must be expected that the risk of tumour induction is increased to above the normal background even by the smallest doses. This small but not negligible risk has to be compared with other risks of civilization or with other medical risks. But also the benefit and the efficacy of diagnostic procedures have to be considered. A suitable cooperation of all medical doctors--not only of the radiologists--is recommended.

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