Comparative evaluation of the hormonal changes in alimentaro-constitutional and hypothalamic obesity

Epshteĭn, E.V.

Problemy Endokrinologii 32(1): 28-32


ISSN/ISBN: 0375-9660
PMID: 3952072
Document Number: 271418
A study was made of change in hormone secretion in 243 patients with alimentary-constitutional and hypothalamic obesity. Activation of the somatostatin mechanism, a decrease in somatotropic and thyrotropic function of the hypophysis, an increment of corticotropin, beta-lipotropin and vasopressin levels in the blood, disturbance of circadian fluctuations of hormone secretion, an increase in insulin and C-peptide secretion, a decrease in glucagon secretion and triiodothyronine and cortisol levels in the blood, activation of the renin-aldosterone system and cortisol secretion rate were equally expressed both in alimentary-constitutional and primary hypothalamic obesity. The central mechanisms of the regulation of endocrine functions were incorporated in a pathological process even in alimentary-constitutional obesity. Disorders of the hypothalamic regulation lay in the basis of both types of obesity.

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