Digoxin prophylaxis following coronary artery bypass surgery
Weiner, B.; Rheinlander, H.F.; Decker, E.L.; Cleveland, R.J.
Clinical Pharmacy 5(1): 55-58
ISSN/ISBN: 0278-2677 PMID: 3485028 Document Number: 271100
The effect of the postoperative administration of digoxin to patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery on the incidence of supraventricular arrhythmias was studied. Patients were randomly assigned to a control group (n = 51) or digoxin group (n = 47) on a prospective basis. Patient characteristics were similar in both groups, and no patients were receiving digoxin therapy preoperatively or other antiarrhythmic medications. All patients had normal systolic ejection fractions, renal function, and hepatic function. Eight patients (16%) in the control group developed postoperative arrhythmias while seven patients (15%) in the digoxin group developed supraventricular arrhythmias. This difference was not significant. Two patients in the digoxin group developed digoxin-induced arrhythmias, and two other patients experienced digoxin-related nausea and vomiting, which were resolved with discontinuation of the drug. The postoperative administration of digoxin to patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery had no effect on the incidence of supraventricular arrhythmias. The prophylactic use of digoxin therapy in this patient population is not recommended unless there is a history of arrhythmias responsive to digoxin therapy.