Condom sales boom as Rwanda and Haiti struggle to rebuild

Dadian, M.J.

Aidscaptions 4(1): 4-8


PMID: 12321030
Document Number: 269115
Condom social marketing (CSM) programs have been extremely successful in Rwanda and Haiti despite political and economic chaos. Hundreds of small sales outlets have been established throughout Rwanda for CSM. Using commercial marketing techniques, affordable pricing, and existing retail networks to promote, distribute, and sell condoms, the AIDS Control and Prevention (AIDSCAP) Project's nonprofit CSM programs have created enormous demand for condoms even in places where resistance to them used to be extremely strong. Overcoming cultural barriers to condom use is one of the great challenges facing CSM programs throughout the world. Cooperation amid chaos, violent civil conflict in Rwanda, and partnerships with communities, nongovernmental organizations, and other community-based organizations are discussed.

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