Differential diagnosis of lymph node aspirates by intermediate filament typing of tumor cells
Domagala, W.; Weber, K.; Osborn, M.
Acta Cytologica 30(3): 225-234
ISSN/ISBN: 0001-5547 PMID: 3521173 Document Number: 268512
Twenty-one lymph node aspirates for which a differential diagnosis was difficult or not possible by light microscopy alone were selected for further study by intermediate filament typing. The use of four monoclonal antibodies specific for different keratin subsets or for vimentin resulted in a definitive diagnosis in all instances. The results show that use of these antibodies can improve the accuracy of cytology diagnosis and provide further evidence that intermediate filament typing can help differentiated (1) malignant melanoma from adenocarcinoma, (2) malignant lymphoma from small-cell anaplastic carcinoma and (3) squamous-cell carcinoma from adenocarcinoma. Intermediate filament typing can also be used to identify very small numbers of carcinoma cells in specimens that are apparently negative for tumor cells by light microscopy. The method is quick, relatively simple, reliable and unambiguous, provided that appropriate questions are asked and antibodies with well-defined specificities are used.