The role of the agricultural sector in mitigating the impact of HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa

Wiegers, E.S.

Njas-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 56(3): 155-166


ISSN/ISBN: 1573-5214
DOI: 10.1016/s1573-5214(08)80004-8
Document Number: 266794
This article discusses the impacts of HIV/AIDS on agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa and the actual and potential role of the agricultural sector in the fight against this disease. It is argued that the agricultural sector has all important role to play in reducing the spread and impacts of HIV/AIDS, in particular in the areas of poverty reduction, ensuring food and nutrition security, enhancing the use of antiretroviral drugs, and advancing gender equality. The failure of the agricultural sector to respond actively to HIV/AIDS is attributed to a lack of capacity and political will as well as to a lack of empirical data to guide agricultural policy-makers.

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