Computers in radiology. Adjustment to new competitive situations through use of computers with user-specific software

Küsters, H.

Der Radiologe 25(4): 183-189


ISSN/ISBN: 0033-832X
PMID: 3839083
Document Number: 263994
With this publication, the author presents the requirements that a user specific software should fulfill to reach an effective practice rationalisation through computer usage and the hardware configuration necessary as basic equipment. This should make it more difficult in the future for sales representatives to sell radiologists unusable computer systems. Furthermore, questions shall be answered that were asked by computer interested radiologists during the system presentation. On the one hand there still exists a prejudice against programmes of standard texts and on the other side undefined fears, that handling a computer is to difficult and that one has to learn a computer language first to be able to work with computers. Finally, it is pointed out, the real competitive advantages can be obtained through computer usage.

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