Microbicides for preventing transmission of genital herpes
Zeitlin, L.; Whaley, K.J.
Herpes the Journal of the Ihmf 9(1): 4-9
ISSN/ISBN: 0969-7667 PMID: 11916493 Document Number: 259324
Available technologies for preventing sexual transmission of genital herpes infection are limited. This article focuses on the ongoing development of a new technology, topical microbicides, for preventing sexually transmitted infection. Recent data evaluating detergent-based spermicides as potential microbicides are reviewed. The first generation of broad-spectrum, non-detergent microbicides that are currently in clinical development, including the sulphated polymer-based inhibitors and acid buffers, are discussed. Finally, the potential of monoclonal antibodies as an example of a specific microbicide in late pre-clinical development is considered.
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