National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: addition of vaccines against rotavirus to the program. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) , Public Health Service (PHS) , Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) . Final rule
Federal Register 64(143): 40517-40518
ISSN/ISBN: 0097-6326 PMID: 10558598 Document Number: 258917
This final rule amends the existing regulations governing the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) by adding vaccines against rotavirus to the Table of Injuries, which lists the vaccines covered under the VICP. This action is taken under section 2114(e) of the Public Health Service Act (the Act). The VICP provides a system of no-fault compensation for certain individuals who have been injured by specific childhood vaccines. The two prerequisites for adding vaccines against rotavirus to the VICP have been satisfied. An excise tax of 75 cents per dose was enacted on October 21, 1998, and took effect for sales of the vaccines after October 21, 1998. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended to the Secretary of HHS that this vaccine be routinely administered to children. Thus, vaccines against rotavirus are now included in the VICP.